Hello! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah and I am a physician assistant (PA) student. If you don't know what a PA is, there are many resources that adequately explain the profession. I'll probably do a post about it some other time...BUT BASICALLY, I'm studying medicine. My program is 28 months long. The first half is an all-classroom experience and the second half consists of clinicals where I rotate between different specialties and get to care for patients. 2019 was all-classroom training for me. I was in class 8 hours a day - same classroom, same time, same seat, same people. It’s enough to drive anyone insane. Over the course of that year, I had a million breakdowns from constant stress and I began comparing myself to others (even though I was doing fine). Shortly after, I failed an exam by 1 question (this actually happened twice but the first time the exam was curved so I experienced the emotional trauma of failing before I figured...
These are some interview points I shared with my best friend after she received PA school interviews: Practice your responses out loud . Practice with a friend or by yourself. I used to talk to myself by practicing in the car and in front of the mirror. It felt crazy at times, but it helped me develop my flow and transitions. Research interview formats/schedules. The main interview can be structured as a group interview, MMI (multiple mini interviews), or traditional one-on-one. There are often extra activities in addition to the interview, like a writing component or group activity. Review common interview questions and have your answers prepped, like: Your strengths and weaknesses Why do you want to be a PA and how would you describe the role? Ethical questions Tell me about a time… Have stories ready to tell. Why this school/city/town? For more interview questions check out the book "How to Ace th...